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Just an update on Mr. Brayden:  Yesterday we saw the doctor about the “bronchiolitis.” She concluded that I was in-fact right, he doesn’t have it.

Apparently children can wheeze BEFORE showing other symptoms in they are coming down with a viral infection (which is what she guessing the pediatrician in the ER was thinking was going on.)  However, since he hasn’t shown ANY other symptoms and the wheezing seems to have subsided she concluded his wheezing was due to an allergy to something.  She said it could be ANYTHING.  New perfume, laundry soap, food etc… The only thing we can think of is that he was around a cat for the first time the day before. Everything else was the same and there’s no way of knowing 100% unless we expose him again.

Made me feel good that I wasn’t crazy 🙂  We get to discontinue the nebulizer and use as needed for the wheezing if it happens again in the future.  She referred us to an allergist at All Childrens who will help with the milk situation and look more into the pet allergy.  Hoping they can tell us exactly what part of milk he’s allergic to and give us meal building suggestions 🙂

Happy Hump Day!!

15 weeks and counting…

15 weeks and counting…

This week marks the 15th week of pregnancy for us YAY!! I really can’t believe time has flown by soo quickly.  Finally there is no more all-day sickness, we’re sleeping better, and got to hear the little Peanut’s heart beat last week!  My food aversions and lack of opinion for food has really taken a toll on us though… I really didn’t think I could get any more picky about the food I eat.. BOY was I wrong!! I’ve become even more picky, and haven’t found much of anything that I love 🙁 I’m hoping that will change SOOON!!!!

This week also marks the beginning of “lizard season” at our house 🙂 Low Rider has been in HEAVEN with all the little baby lizards!! Meanwhile Eliot and I are looking into some form of lizard repellent (jk!)  He just sits at the back door and stares and whines because he wants to go hunt them down lol!! Thankfully, he hasn’t gotten one yet, if he did I think I might cry because all of them are little baby ones 🙂

The rain has also calmed down this week, and poor Bambi has finally been able to calm down since we haven’t had the daily thunder rumble 🙂 She is sooo terrified of the thunder that she hides anytime it rains or even sprinkles.. poor thing!!  Bambi has also been really excited this week, because Aunt Morgan is visiting us! Morgan is her FAVORITE person, I swear I think she loves her more than Eliot and I!!!

Here is this week’s picture of the belly bump!!